
Carrot “Bacon”

About a year ago, I decided to change my diet to plant-based, and for me, it was the right choice. Occasionally, stray aromas from neighbouring BBQs or restaurants trigger thoughts about my old ways – the culprits usually are grilled burgers or bacon cooking. While my mouth may salivate over those aromas, the reminder of digestive issues helps get my brain back on track.

It has been helpful to find (or create) tasty recipes that replace my favourite flavours. For example, the bbq patties I make do not mimic the Beyond Meat burgers – on purpose, but they are delicious and satisfying. I’m not trying to replicate a meat-like experience but create a recipe that produces a similar craving response.

This recipe creates a smokey, sweet flavour with a crispy texture that makes a beautiful topping for salads and casseroles (once you stop taste testing it).

Carrot Bacon

Carrot "Bacon"

Smokey and crispy with a touch of black pepper and maple syrup. Crumbled, it makes a tasty topping for many dishes.

Category: Sides
Prep time: 6 hrs | Cook time: 30 min | Total time: 6.5 hrs
Servings: 6-12


1-2 large diameter carrots
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 Tbsp tamari
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
1 Tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
black pepper
brown sugar


With a mandoline or vegetable peeler, cut carrot into long, thin strips.
In a shallow bowl, whisk together the maple syrup, paprika, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, tamari and liquid smoke.
Mix in the carrot slices, cover and allow to marinate 4-6 hours, or overnight.
Remove carrot slices to wire rack and let them dry for an hour.
In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat.
Cook carrot slices in batches until browned, 4-6 minutes, turning once.
Heat oven or air-fryer to 325.
Sprinkle lightly with pepper and brown sugar and let crisp for a few minutes in the oven.
Watch carefully so that you don't burn them.
Best enjoyed cold.